Jumat, 03 Juni 2016

Drama bahas inggris Unblessing Love





Scene 1
One night, Sofi is bering togther with his family.
Mother       : Sofi, you are adults.
Sofi             : What’s up mom...?
Mother       : If you want to look for a lover, look for a good one and of course he must be.
Father        : Yes it is true what your mother’s said.
Sofi             : What mom.....!!! I still want to pursue my career.
Mother       : Yes mother know, but you’re adults. Do not you want to find a lover let nothing keep you sofi,
Father        : Yeah, that’s it. We recommend  that you pursue your career  and search for you lover.
Scene 2
          7 o’clock in the evening. Sofi’s friend  named ike come to stay at her house.
Ike              : Tok.....tok......tok........excuse me.
Sofi             : Uh, please come in.
Ike              : Where is your parents.....??
Sofi             : There are here more relaxed  in my family room.
Ike              : Oh right. Yes I must stay at your house, bacause my parents again to Surabaya. I am home alone.
Sofi             : Yes, already ike. Anyways I want to share with you, let’s go into the room.
Ike              : Just tell  me what you want to say...!! I think it is really seriously.
Sofi             : My parents told me to quickly find a lover.
Ike              :  Huh what...?? you said  you wanted to pursue a career first, but why  did you tell that your parents looking for a patner. What’s wrong...??
Sofi             : Yes, I am also confused.
Ike              : Ok girl, do not get confused, I will swatch met for  you. Ha....ha....haaa....just kidding.
Scene 3
The night was getting late ike and sofi  are sleeping, and the next day sofi took ike the morning run let’s.
Sofi             : Ike wake up, come on go jogging.
Ike              : where..?
Sofi             : let’s go. Anyway we go jogging.
          Accindenly while sofi and ike jogging, they met with imron,nuril, and huda.
Nuril           : Hi.... sofi who is she...?
Imron         : Oh, she is ike.
Sofi             : You have really known her.
Ike              : Yes, he knows me, he’s my friend in SMA
Imron         : Ike, who is she....?
Nuril          : Oh, she is my sister, so what....?
Imron         : No, your sister  beatiful.
Sofi             : Hi..alls.
Ike              : Oh, so the three of  you are friends well.
Huda          : Yes, we have always been friends.
Imron         : Oh yes,can I ask you sofi is number....??
Sofi             : Ok no problem.
Huda          : Well, let’s go home thanks sofi be careful on the rood you’re welcome.
Scene 4
          They went home and upon arrival at the home, nuril told father and mother if  sofi and imron alguvainted.
Nuril          : Mom I met sofi and ike while jogging.
Mother       : How come......???
Father        : Do you like ike.....??
Nuril          : Uh, no dady.
Mother       : So what wrong with them ....? they often jogging.
Nuril          : The problem I was jogging wiih imron and huda. The imron requested phone number sofi.
Mother       : So what....???
Nuril          : mother do not know if imron is poor, he was good for her.
Father        : Well then, why do not you ban her.
Nuril          : Yes, I’m did afraid to hurt him because that’s my friend imron.
Mother       : How do you think so you have known that imron is poor you have to ban her.
Nuril          :  Yeah, sorry mom.
Scene 5
                 Evening come, sofi gat harred with his father and mother in the living room over coffe and talk about imron.
Sofi             : Where is brother mom...? I did not see him before.
Mother       : Maybe  he is room, by the way brother said you had to exchange your same phone number imron.
Sofi             : So what mom.........???
Mother       : He is poor man it’s not good for you with him.
Father        : Correct your word mom.
Sofi             : I’m only friends with him.
Mother       : He was the poor while we are rich. He must have something special  with you.
Father        : I just make friend with him.
Sofi             : What do you meand dad .Why  you always look people from their wealthy they are same with us.
Mother       : because we want the best for you.
Sofi             : Hmmm......yes mom I will find my best.
Scene 6
It’s getting durk at night and sofi decide to room and break but suddenly ring of the telephone and actually imron phone.
Imron         : Hi.........sofi
Sofi             : Hi.........sorry are you..?
Imron         : I’m imron, do you forget me...?
Sofi             : Sorry I forget to save your number.
Imron         : Ohh...yes sofi I wanna speak to you.
Sofi             : what’s up ??
Imron         : Actually I love you.
Sofi             : What.....!!!!
Imron         : Yes sofi I wanna be with you seriously.
Sofi             : Well ...?? actually I love you but....????
Imron         : But why...?? ok tommorow I waid you in Banongan bech. Good night.
Sofi             : Good night.
Scene 7
Incidentally nuril speak to imron and  sofi  moment phone. Last tell. to mom.
Nuril          :
Mother       : What happen nuril....?
Nuril          : Well mom, I heard  imron called  novi by phone.
Mother       : What are they talking about.
Nuril          : Imron love sofi and  they promise to meet in Banongan beach tommorow.
Mother       : What...!!! it is true..?
Nuril          : Yes mom.
Mother       :  Hmm...a I will be angry if there is something special between them.
Nuril          : It would be to investigate her mom, so sofi will not choose the wrong person.
Mother       : Good idea, now it’s better to have your rest.
Nuril          : Yes mom.

Scene 8
           Mother  also aproahed sofi in room while scholded.
Mother       : Sof, nuril said you close with imron...?
Sofi             : No mom, we are only friends.
Mother       : Do no lie, mom has already known all.
Sofi             : Why mom, imron is good and  he also diligent to work.
Mother       : Yes I know, but he is not equal with us he is only aguard shop.
Sofi             :  So why ?? aguard shop can give the best for me.
Mother       : Principally I do not agree  with him.
Sofi             : But mom.
Scene 9
Mother also leave sofi’s room. And sofi is very sad with what her mom said and sofi call ike.
Sofi             : Tut.....tut...tut...
Ike              : Hello, what’s up sof ? it’s late at night.
Sofi             : Yes ike, I am sad.
Ike              : Sad why...?
Sofi             : My mother know my relationship with imron.
Ike              : Hah....!! are you dating with him.
Sofi             : Not yet, but we already state feeling , actually we like each other.
Ike              : What happen with your mother.
Sofi             : My mother does not agree because imron is not like our family.
Ike              : Oh, I see ok just talk about it tommorow. It’s better for you to sleep now.
Sofi             : Ok thanks ike. Yes already. Tommorow is follow me to Banongan beach.
ike              : Ok.
Sofi             : Good night.
Ike              : Good night.

Scene 10
A afternoon sofi start get to ready to goto meet imron in beach togtherike.
Sofi             : Where is imron..? why he does not come.
Ike              : Yes it’s very long.
Sofi             : Oh yes ik, how to make my parent can accept imron.
Ike              : Yes according me you must prove, to your parent. If  you are serious and he can give best to you.
Sofi             : Ok I will ask him to speak to my parent.
Ike              : He comes.
Imron         : Hi... ike sofi. Have you already waited for a long time.
Ike              : Yes, eh huda do you follow me...??
Huda          : Yes, because I’m invited with imron.
Scene 11
          Sofi begin speaking the problem for imron.
Imron         : Sof actually I love you. Will you be my girl friend...?
Sofi             : Yes, I will but.
Imron         : But....????
Sofi             : My parents do not wish meeee related with you.
Imron         : Have your parents already known ni if I love you.
Sofi             : Yes, my parents know from nuril.
Imron         : Ok.I can tell your parents if I love you and be serious with you.
Sofi             : Ok. I will  wait your arrival in my hause to discus yhis all imron allright tommorow I will  be there.
                Then sofi,ike,imron and huda go home because they more soluble and to in sofi house, nuril not exspressli view message from imron for sofi with calling daerling.
Nuril          :cie.....cie.....cie you are datting with imron.
Sofi             : Yes, why....?
Nuril          : Mom and father forbid you near to him.
Sofi             : forget it he can be very good to me.
Nuril          : Ok if like that.
Scene 12
                   A moring imron come in home sofi to discus problem connection with sofi to my parents.
Imron         : tok...tokkk........tok........excuse me.
Mother       : Yes, who are you...?
Imron         : I’m imron.
Mother       : So you are imron.
Sofi             : Oh yes, please come in.
Imron         : Yes thanks.
Father        : What do you come here for ...???
Imron         : Well, I come to talk my connection sofi. Because  I do love sofi.
Father        : You are not propper for my child.
Mother       : And you are not aqual with my family.
Imron         : But, I will prove if I’m serious and I can give best to sofi.
Father        : Go now....!!!!
Mother       : I will not bless your  connection.
Sofi             : But, mom He is very good and not like as you think.
Imron         : Ok I will go and I will come.
          Imron go home with very disappointed on sofi’s parent. A night sofi feel very disappointed on mom and put in a cage self in room.
Mother       : Why..............???
Sofi             : I dont like your attitude a to ward imron.
Mother       : Forget it just lite he know who we are yes mom and father already decide to move in grandmother’s home.
Sofi             : But mom.
Mother       : The main thing is you must move.
Sofi             :Yes, mom if like that.
          Sofi dirrect phone imron to give news to move.
Sofi             : Hello.
Imron         : Yes, daerling.
Sofi             : Well imron my mother order to move to grandmother’s in home Surabaya.
Imron         : How about our connection....?
Sofi             : Sorry imron I can’t continue it, because I can not refuse my parents’s reques.
Imron         : Ok. If like that but I will come back and prove to your parents if  I can be a good man.
Sofi             : Yes thanks daerling  I will wait your arrival you. Miss you.
                   Finally sofi and imron part for sofi’s parents.

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