Senin, 30 Mei 2016

My hobby is cooking

Name               : Siti Humaira
NIM                : 150210204010
Class                : I

                                                My Hobby

The first week I study English, I was given the task to create a journal hobby by my lecturer named Yayuk Mardiati. I was delighted when I was given the task to create a journal hobby Mrs. Yayuk. Because it can make another people knew about my backgraound hobby. When I was  Mrs. Yayuk, I was very happy because she was comfortable when  teaching, and so that I can understand what she said.
My preferred hobby is cooking. Cooking is a fun activity. Since childhood around the age of nine grandmother taught  me to make a delicious food. My grandmother likes to cook, he became a chef at wedding.
Every school holiday I learn to cook with my grandmother. I cook with simple material but it tasted delicious. My grandmother tought me patiently. She was told all kinds of spices such as galangal, turmeric, ginger, coriander and much more. When I learning how to cook, she telling me that the woman should be able to cook because in the future I will cook for my husband. Because I always cook with my grandmother, I became very excited  to cook. I became addicted to cook and always want to make an innovation food that I created. The dishes that after I made were not success at all. However, from all of my failure I learn from the mistakes that I do in order and not to repeat them.
Sunday, when the holidays at the time I made a full breakfast menu for father, mother, and my brother. Father and mother went to the field while my brother playing with his friends. At the time in the kitchen just spinach, corn, soybean and salted fish. With the ingredients I innovated to cooking. I cook spinach with corn, fried tempe and fried sambal teri. Because I had been taught my grandmother cook a hefty adept at mixing the spices. After a few minutes of cooking I have been completed and ready to serve. I pack it into food bag to be brought to the fields for my mother and my father. I invited my brother to the fields. Arriving in the fields we were breakfast together. I’m happy so my family can eat my cooking.

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