Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

Karakteristik pada cumi-cumi

NAME                        : SITI HUMAIRA
NIM                            : 150210204010

Subject                        : Animals
Topic                           : Squid
Phrase                         : The Uniqueness Of Squid

                                    THE UNIQUENESS OF SQUID

Squid are animals that do not have the spine on his or often called mollusks. Squid is the animals that live in the sea. Squid has some uniqueness in their body. First squid have long oval body shape resembles the shape of a water pipe. In the body of squid can also change the color of variegated colors. Objectives change the color on the body is to fool its prey at a time when his life is threatened. In addition to changing their colors squid also ejects brown or black ink to fool its prey. It is why, because in the body there is a squid ink sac. Squid’s body can also be luminous. By the light of the squid are interested in and approaching its prey. In the body of squid there is a bone that looks long and thin transparent paper.
Second, squid also have as many as 10 pieces of arms located on the head. At 10 arms owned squid there are two longer arms so called tentacle. And the other arms (eight arms) are shorter. At the end of the arms there are many small dots that serve as a vacuum. Their arms found in squid serves to facilitate and search of prey. Tentacles on squid also make it easier to dismember a prey so when eating easy to digest.Finally, squid is also called the animal foot in their head. It is because squid use their heads to walk. Squid also unique in how to run, is not the same as other animals. Squid running backwards. This backward motion path caused by squid sucking water into his body and took it over backwards until she moved back.

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